only south bound one-way traffic is allowed in a section of shimogamo naka-dori street from a point on kitaoji-dori street to a point on mikage-dori street . 北大路通から御蔭通の間は南行一方通行である。
the fushimi-kaido road , however , is an important community road , through narrow one-way traffic toward the north for all automobiles except for two-wheeled vehicles in almost all the sections . しかし、現在でもなお地域の生活道路として重要な街路であり、道幅が狭くほぼ全区間で二輪車を除いて北向き一方通行であるが車両の交通量も多い。
kyoto shiden (kyoto municipal streetcar ) e5 .a0 .80 .e5 .b7 .9d .e7 .b7 .9a ran along the section between shiokoji-dori street and shijo-dori street , and thereby the section between shiokoji-dori street and takoyakushi-dori street is a 2-lane street; the section north of takoyakushi is comprised of one-way traffic headed south . かつては塩小路通 - 四条通間を京都市電.E5.A0.80.E5.B7.9D.E7.B7.9Aが通っていたため、塩小路通 - 蛸薬師通間は2車線道路、蛸薬師以北は南行の一方通行となっている。
in the section south of the keiji bypass , zones for environmental facilities are provided along both sides of the road , consisting of side lanes (one lane and one-way traffic ), lanes for cyclists and pedestrians , and planted zones , except along the sections built in a canal structure found between the kyotanabe-matsui and hirakata-higashi interchanges and between the hirakata-minami and katano-kita interchanges . 京滋バイパス以南については、堀割構造である京田辺松井IC付近から枚方東IC付近、枚方南IC付近から交野北IC付近を除き、道路の両脇に副道(一方通行で1車線)・自転車歩行者道・植栽帯からなる環境施設帯を設置している。