one-way traffic 意味

発音を聞く:   one-way trafficの例文
  • one-way traffic


  1. only south bound one-way traffic is allowed in a section of shimogamo naka-dori street from a point on kitaoji-dori street to a point on mikage-dori street .
  2. the fushimi-kaido road , however , is an important community road , through narrow one-way traffic toward the north for all automobiles except for two-wheeled vehicles in almost all the sections .
  3. kyoto shiden (kyoto municipal streetcar ) e5 .a0 .80 .e5 .b7 .9d .e7 .b7 .9a ran along the section between shiokoji-dori street and shijo-dori street , and thereby the section between shiokoji-dori street and takoyakushi-dori street is a 2-lane street; the section north of takoyakushi is comprised of one-way traffic headed south .
    かつては塩小路通 - 四条通間を京都市電.E5.A0.80.E5.B7.9D.E7.B7.9Aが通っていたため、塩小路通 - 蛸薬師通間は2車線道路、蛸薬師以北は南行の一方通行となっている。
  4. in the section south of the keiji bypass , zones for environmental facilities are provided along both sides of the road , consisting of side lanes (one lane and one-way traffic ), lanes for cyclists and pedestrians , and planted zones , except along the sections built in a canal structure found between the kyotanabe-matsui and hirakata-higashi interchanges and between the hirakata-minami and katano-kita interchanges .


        one way (traffic):    one way (traffic) 片側通行 かたがわつうこう
        one way traffic:    
        two way internet traffic:    
        two way traffic:    
        two-way internet traffic:    《イ》双方向{そうほうこう}インターネット通信{つうしん}
        two-way traffic:    両面交通{りょうめん こうつう}、双方向{そうほうこう}の交流{こうりゅう}
        avoid the heavy traffic on the way to work:    通勤途中{つうきん とちゅう}の渋滞{じゅうたい}を避ける
        trucks that bully their way through traffic:    ほかの車を押しのけて進むトラック
        be on one's way:     be on one's wáy ?=get on one's WAY .
        in one way:    ある意味では、一面{いちめん}では、幾分{いくぶん}、多少{たしょう}
        in one's way:    それなりに、それ相当に、なかなか、独自の、それはそれで、マイペースで、自己流に、自分なりに、自分流儀に、お手のもので、自分なりのやり方で、前途に
        on one's way:    on one's way 行き掛け ゆきがけ いきがけ 途次 とじ
        on one's way to:    ~に行く途中で、~に向かって進んで、~へ順調に進んで、~に近づいて、~していく過程{かてい}にいて、~の瀬戸際まできている He's already left here and I guess he's now on his way to see you. 《電話》彼はすでに社を出ておりましてそちらに向かっていると思います。 A typhoon is on its way to Japan.
        one way:    one way 一路 いちろ 一方 いっぽう
        one way to:    《be ~》(主語)も~する一つの方法{ほうほう}である


  1. "one-way shape memory effect" 意味
  2. "one-way street" 意味
  3. "one-way surge tank" 意味
  4. "one-way ticket" 意味
  5. "one-way trade" 意味
  6. "one-way transmission network" 意味
  7. "one-way trapdoor function" 意味
  8. "one-way trunk" 意味
  9. "one-way valve" 意味
  10. "one-way ticket" 意味
  11. "one-way trade" 意味
  12. "one-way transmission network" 意味
  13. "one-way trapdoor function" 意味

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